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Gloucestershire Gourmets Hash House Harriers

GGH3 run every Thursday at 7pm and many enjoy a meal in the pub afterwards.
Hashers span all ages and abilities. A hash is a sociable fun-run, not a race, but you may end up getting cold, wet, muddy or even lost!
To enquire or find out more why not Contact someone on the 'committee'. GGH3 can also be found on FaceBook (click on link).

A random selection of GG group shots. Send good photos to the WebMaster for inclusion in the pool  SHUFFLE 

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GG Hashes from 1987 to the present
Run Num Date Visit Num Start Venue Location Apres Venue Turn-out Run Notes Hares
1938 Thu 13-Feb-25 1 Frog & Fiddle 181 Lower High St, Cheltenham, GL50 3HW As start 0 < to be added > Cracker + Miss Pillsbury
1937 Thu 06-Feb-25 2 Barn Owl Thatcham Avenue, Quedgeley, nr Gloucester, GL2 2GS As start 31 Another eclectic, winding urban exploration, MUCH drier than their previous one. Some woody tracks I hadn't seen before. Only one ale in pub but very good. Robo + Gizmo
1936 Thu 30-Jan-25 4 Olde Black Bear 68 High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5BJ As start 16 Hares's much anticipated 1000th run (though this was a lead walk around Tewkesbury while many 'runners' were still absent, on holiday(s)). Hercules
1935 Thu 23-Jan-25 7 Somerset Arms 30 Moorend St, Leckhampton, GL53 0EH As start 23 Good trail as expected. Crossed thru the Park for the 1st time. Muddy passages and fields in 2nd half. No pub food (which improves sociability IMHO). Batty Bat
1934 Thu 16-Jan-25 9 Twelve Bells Little Witcombe, nr Brockworth, GL3 4SS Whittle Inn, Glos Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4BJ 20 Gas leak meant the start venue was closed. A benign, loopy, flat & un-muddy trail into Brockworth. Mild weather. Whittle OK except only ale was Doombar. Wingnut + Goldilocks
1933 Thu 09-Jan-25 5 Clocktower Cirencester Rd, Charlton Kings, GL53 8EG As start 18 Shortish trail (but just right on a freezing night) weaving about the familiar lanes and passages. Amazing steak & drink offer in the pub (£15). Miss Pillsbury + Cracker
1932 Thu 02-Jan-25 10 Wheatsheaf 283 Old Bath Rd, Leckhampton, GL53 9AJ As start 25 Always a welcoming pub. Semi-frosty night for run in 2 halves: easy flat in town; then tough hill climb (2/3 the way) & down Daisybank (of course!) on ice/mud. Physy Blonde + Jemima
1931 Thu 26-Dec-24 24 Rising Sun Cleeve Hill, GL52 3PX As start 22 Joint with C2H3's regular Boxing Day run. Only regular GGs are counted here. Cracker + Miss Pillsbury + Thong + Stirfry
1930 Wed 25-Dec-24 7 Sandford Park Alehouse 20 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1DZ As start 23 Sunny & mild for a fast romp around the town's passageways. And No mud to boot. Super Xmassy venue with nice upper room, same as last year. Carloss + Grey'un
1929 Thu 19-Dec-24 1 Thirsty Pine 5-7 Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1HG As start 16 Jazz night in an interesting virgin venue, but STILL a low turnout. Walkers endured a historical 'ruins' tour + Jex's commentary. Only 5 actually ran a trail! Dr Jeckyll + Dyldo
1928 Thu 12-Dec-24 3 White Hart High Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ As start 20 A corker of a trail: complicated 1st half, soggy 2nd half around the Castle in full Xmas lights mode. Good beers, huge table in a quaint room for GGs alone. HRH + Golden Showers + Yob
1927 Thu 05-Dec-24 3 Olde Black Bear 68 High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5BJ As start 24 Fast & flat run, soggy in parts, exploring MOST of the passage ways in the town, and passed through the Abbey grounds for a change. Excellent pub as expected. Cracker + Miss Pillsbury