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Gloucestershire Gourmets Hash House Harriers

GGH3 run every Thursday at 7pm and many enjoy a meal in the pub afterwards.
Hashers span all ages and abilities. A hash is a sociable fun-run, not a race, but you may end up getting cold, wet, muddy or even lost!
To enquire or find out more why not Contact someone on the 'committee'. GGH3 can also be found on FaceBook (click on link).

A random selection of GG group shots. Send good photos to the WebMaster for inclusion in the pool  SHUFFLE 

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For more, regulars can  
Browse the Hash Run History
Related Hash Sites:

Forthcoming Hash Runs - start at 7:00pm unless otherwise stated

Run Num Date Start Venue Location Apres Venue Comments Hares
Wed 16-Oct-24Amberley Inn Amberley, GL5 5AFAs start Ebley Full Moon run at 7pm, if you can't make the following day. Or do Both!Various Hares
1920Thu 17-Oct-24Old Crown Chapel lane, Ebley, Stroud, GL5 4TGAs start Not to be mixed up with Old Crown at Paganhill. No food is available. Dogs are OK. Limited car parking (share if poss).Physy Blonde
1921Thu 24-Oct-24TBA TBA Fingers crossed... hopefully no last minute assignations in the BalticNelson
1922Thu 31-Oct-24The Swan 37 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1DXAs start Joint with C2 night run. Start from nearby St James St car park. Halloween costumes, as on Raffles's last trail set (31-10-2019).Maverick + Doris + Krishna
1923Thu 07-Nov-24Old Fox Coaley, GL11 5EGAs start Dogs OK. Expect a fantastic beer choice (see This Photo).Torchy + Florence
1924Thu 14-Nov-24TBA TBA Hares required
1925Thu 21-Nov-24TBA TBA Hares required
1926Thu 28-Nov-24TBA TBA Hares Required
1927Thu 05-Dec-24TBA TBA TBD poss new tap in CheltCracker + Miss Pillsbury
Sat 14-Dec-24Tailors Eating House 4 Cambray Place, Cheltenham, GL50 1JSAs start

Christmas Party

Choices and payment to be made. See Miss P's summary & links for relevant info.
Miss Pillsbury
Fri 04-Apr-25Duke of Cornwall Hotel Millbay Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3LGAs start

Away Weekend

Runs on Sat and Sun
Batty Bat + Various Hares