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Gloucestershire Gourmets Hash House Harriers

GGH3 run every Thursday at 7pm and many enjoy a meal in the pub afterwards.
Hashers span all ages and abilities. A hash is a sociable fun-run, not a race, but you may end up getting cold, wet, muddy or even lost!
To enquire or find out more why not Contact someone on the 'committee'. GGH3 can also be found on FaceBook (click on link).

A random selection of GG group shots. Send good photos to the WebMaster for inclusion in the pool  SHUFFLE 

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Browse the Hash Run History
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Forthcoming Hash Runs - start at 7:00pm unless otherwise stated

Run Num Date Start Venue Location Apres Venue Comments Hares
Sat 27-Jul-24TBA TBA Open house from around 3:30. Bring own booze. Cooking will start around 6:30. All welcome to camp overnight.Brook Bond
1909Thu 01-Aug-24Batty & Doris's house CheltenhamAs start BYO drink. We'll do a hotdog, & poss nibblesBatty Bat + Doris
1910Thu 08-Aug-24Lamb Inn Eastcombe, nr Stroud, GL6 7DNAs start TBCCracker
1911Thu 15-Aug-24TBA TBA TBDRadar + Ratatouille
1912Thu 22-Aug-24TBA TBA TBDWotsit + Twiglet
1913Thu 29-Aug-24TBA TBA Hares required
1914Thu 05-Sep-24TBA TBA TBD. Hare's birthday.Physy Blonde
1915Thu 12-Sep-24TBA TBA Hares required
1916Thu 19-Sep-24TBA TBA Hares required